What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Coping with narcissism in Gilbert, Arizona

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissism/Narcissistic Personality Disorder is when a person believes they are better or more important than others in some way. Because people with narcissistic traits want admiration, they may find it difficult to see or admit to any flaws, even when this causes problems in their lives. People with narcissistic beliefs can also react angrily if someone challenges their sense of superiority, or they may conceal this trait from others. This blog post offers ways of coping with narcissism in Gilbert, Arizona

Many people occasionally behave in narcissistic ways. Whether a person can change this behavior depends on what is causing it, and whether the person wants to change.

coping with narcissism in gilbert, arizona

NPD or Narcissistic Traits? 

Some individuals have narcissistic tendencies that are a product of their narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). NPD is a mental health condition that affects an individuals personality throughout life. It is notoriously difficult to treat, as people with NPD often do not acknowledge they have it, nor do they desire to change. This can be a barrier to progress. However, if it is acknowledged then treatment can improve the disorder.  That said, this requires self-awareness and honesty. Not everyone with narcissistic traits, whether they have full blown NPD or just traits, may be willing to explore therapy. There is no guarantee a person will change, or if they are abusive, that they will stop their abusive behavior.

Can people with narcissistic traits change?

Yes, people with narcissistic traits can change. However, they need to be willing to.

Narcissistic traits vs. NPD

Many people have some narcissistic beliefs. This does not necessarily mean they have NPD. Similarly, not every person who engages in abusive or manipulative behavior has NPD, either.

*Reference National Library of Medicine and Medical News Today

NPD is a Mental Health Condition 

NPD is a long-term mental health condition that affects a person’s personality and way of thinking consistently over time. Whether a person has NPD depends on whether they meet the diagnostic criteria for the condition. A person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD will have a persistent pattern of behavior that includes *at least five of the following symptoms: 

  • An exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Excessive desire for admiration
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of power, success, wealth, beauty, or perfect love
  • A belief they are special, and that they should only interact with other special people or institutions
  • A sense of entitlement, such as that they are above the rules
  • Arrogant attitudes or behaviors
  • Exploitative relationships (using people without any remorse) 
  • Envy of others
  • Lack of empathy

It is a myth that people with NPD cannot change. However, while treatment may reduce symptoms, there is no cure. Additionally, people with NPD may avoid treatment, or may not present their true symptoms. 

If you or someone you care for suffers from NPD or you are a victim of growing up in a Narcissistic household and are looking for ways of coping with narcissism in Gilbert, Arizona, contact Tino Silva today. 

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